Should I Insulate Interior Walls? What to Know Before the Application

Since there is no official or legal requirement to insulate the interior walls, most homeowners are wondering should I insulate interior walls or not. Regarding building codes, they require a minimum quantity of insulation, especially for the ceiling and exterior walls.

There is no requirement or such thing for the interior walls. That’s why not all homeowners would insulate their interior walls.

Some may do it for comfort, but some may skip it to save money. So, what is it interior wall insulation, and should you do it?

What Type of Insulation for Interior Walls

You should also start thinking about the best insulation type. With so many different types, picking one can be challenging. But each comes with its strengths and drawbacks, so be sure to understand each.

should i insulate interior walls

  • Fiberglass Batts

This is one of the most common (and popular) types of internal insulation. It’s made from glass fibres woven into a mat before it’s treated with a special fire retardant. It has a high R-value and is also easy to install, making it effective enough for trapping heat.

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Although this one is quite affordable and inexpensive, it doesn’t have enough airtight seal. It means that air can still circulate through your walls.

  • Blown-in Cellulose

It’s usually made from recycled paper. You must use special equipment to ‘blast’ it into the wall. It functions as a fire retardant. Not only it have a high R-value, but it is also great as air seal. Because of its easy application, it’s perfect for DIY projects.

Despite these benefits, it may settle with time, meaning its function and efficiency may reduce after a while.

  • Spray Foam Insulation

Made from a chemical combo, this insulation will expand and solidify into a foamy texture. It has a high R-value that provides airtight cells. But because of its rather sophisticated nature, it’s quite costly. You will have to make significant expenses with this one.

  • Rigid Foam Board Insulation

This one uses polyurethane or polystyrene, which is basically a hard substance directly placed on the walls. It functions as a (reliable) barrier against heat and its transmission. You can also use it as external insulation.

This insulation comes with a high R-value. But then again, it’s also pricy and must be done properly to ensure its effectiveness. Doing wrong would be useless – you will only waste money and time.

Does Insulating Interior Walls Help with Sound?

Basically, insulation helps with almost everything. First, such insulation can improve the energy efficiency within the house because it makes the indoor temperature more comfortable. And you can expect it to happen all year round.

Insulation also helps with noise transfer. It can create a more ‘soundproof’ setting, although it may not be as effective as the real soundproof installation.

Moreover, you can deal with moisture control and improve it. Such insulation can reduce the possibility of leaks. You can basically cut your carbon footprint down, making your house somewhat more eco-friendly.

Is It Worth Insulating Internal Walls?

In the overall general retrospect, insulating the internal walls is worth it, especially for long-term effects. Wall insulation can make your house cooler during the summer months and make it warmer in winter times.

Of course, it’s advisable that you reach out to a professional expert to really know what you can do to your internal wall and which type is best for the application.

Final Words

It’s up to you whether you want to insulate your internal wall. Not only you make your house more comfortable, but you can also make it friendlier for Mother Earth. So, only you can answer the question should I insulate interior walls.

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Insulator is a skilled author and Insulation expert with years of experience in the field. He has authored several articles and books on various aspects of insulation installation, maintenance, and repair.